In September Cape Classics celebrated its 25th Anniversary! To commemorate we will be sharing stories over the course of the next year...
Sean Coetzee
"Bright, lively and energetic. This company has values, ethics and a deep routed passion for what it does. This company strives to the utmost heights of professionalism and social responsibility. This company is drinking incredibly now and will get better every year. Highly Recommend 100 Point Company."
– Sean Coetzee, Cape Classics West Sales Manager
Maria Kleback
"The first wine I tried was Jam Jar. As part of my interview, I had to create a recipe necker for Jam Jar so I went out and bought a bottle so I could understand the wine a little better. I really enjoyed it and it helped me get through the first round of 2016 debates, so I am forever indebted to Jam Jar for that."
–Maria Kleback, Cape Classics Designer
Philippe Colin
"What first comes to my mind about Cape Classics is how we met. It was by pure chance, back in 2013, that Andre was touring Burgundy with another wine importer and friend who was doing some business with my father, Michel. They popped in at my father’s cellar for a little chat and tasting.Talking about me buying vineyards in Franschhoek, they found out Andre happened to live 20 miles away from Topiary Wines! This was the starting point of a friendly business relationship…
Now, what I like most about Cape Classics is the fact that we are talking here of innovative and forward-thinking people who know their business. They have a story to tell and a strong team spirit; this human-sized company is always looking for new opportunities and challenges and, as opposed to big names in the industry, here you always have someone to talk to. We are in touch on a daily basis, and they visit us both in Burgundy and South Africa."
-Philippe Colin, Domaine Philippe Colin
Jay Gruber
"When I was a buyer, I was invited to an event on the rooftop of The Mckittrick Hotel called “Spring to Loire.” As the day went on I was starting to realize that there was one wine in particular that was on another level. That wine was Le Roi des Pierres Sancerre Rosé."
– Jay Gruber, Cape Classics Regional Sales Manager
Colin Cowie
"Having lived in the US for 30 years I was excited to meet Andre Shearer when he was just getting started in the wine export business. I have watched this company grow over the years and bring amazing world class wines, not only from South Africa, but from France too."
-Colin Cowie, South African Lifestyle Guru, Television Personality, Author, Interior Designer & Event Planner
Kara Miller
"The first wine I tasted from the Cape Classics portfolio was Rudi Schultz Syrah, in 2004. I had started working at Union Square Wine in NYC a few months before, and the wine director put this into a blind line-up at the staff Halloween party."
-Kara Miller, Cape Classics Director of Winery & Guest Relations
Sandy Block
"Passion is an overused word, bordering on cliché, yet its true meaning is exhibited in the rare level of commitment and focus that Andre Shearer, Rob Bradshaw and their entire organization displays."
– Sandy Block MW, Legal Sea Foods
Zingo Munger
"Cape Classics is all about the people. Salesteam, ops & office, the SA team, Molly, Rob, Andre – it is wonderful to work with such a group of committed, caring professionals."
-Zingo Munger, Cape Classics Regional Sales Manager
Michael Fridjhon
"Cape Classics was both a "first of its kind," as well as "one of a kind." It was the first enterprise anywhere in the world whose existence was based on the international potential of fine Cape wine, and it remains the only one which has remained true to that vision."
-Michael Fridjhon, The Reciprocal Wine Trading Company
Rudi Schultz
"My story started off with a great deal of chance-taking. In 2002, after some badgering, my employer agreed to allow me to make some wine under my own label. I sourced a portion of a single vineyards Syrah in 2002 and enthusiastically threw my all into making a small batch, craft gem. Come 18 months later, I sit with 250 cases of Syrah, all ready to sell but with zero plan on how to accomplish that!! At the time my employer was represented in the USA by Andre and Cape Classics. I had to start selling these guys pretty quickly as my little business had been spending cash since day one with no income to show! A gamble was taken, I called Andre, stated my case regarding my little predicament and asked him if he would please taste my Syrah, I was just holding thumbs! I called Andre a few days later to get his impression…..he very politely indicated that the wine was "quiet, no fruit and cork tainted." I must admit I was shattered upon hearing this. Andre then suggested he try a 2nd bottle which I delivered the next day, a few days later we spoke about the 2nd tasting and that was it, Andre saw the potential in the US market and the rest is history. Cape Classics solely put my wine onto the world map and for this I am blessed."
– Rudi Schultz