Rudi Schultz
“My story started off with a great deal of chance-taking. In 2002, after some badgering, my employer agreed to allow me to make some wine under my own label. I sourced a portion of a single vineyards Syrah in 2002 and enthusiastically threw my all into making a small batch, craft gem. Come 18 months later, I sit with 250 cases of Syrah, all ready to sell but with zero plan on how to accomplish that!! At the time my employer was represented in the USA by Andre and Cape Classics. I had to start selling these guys pretty quickly as my little business had been spending cash since day one with no income to show ! A gamble was taken, I called Andre, stated my case regarding my little predicament and asked him if he would please taste my Syrah, I was just holding thumbs! I called Andre a few days later to get his impression…..he very politely indicated that the wine was “quiet, no fruit and cork tainted.” I must admit I was shattered upon hearing this. Andre then suggested he try a 2nd bottle which I delivered the next day, a few days later we spoke about the 2nd tasting and that was it, Andre saw the potential in the US market and the rest is history. Cape Classics solely put my wine onto the world map and for this I am blessed.”– Rudi Schultz