Heather Hayes
“It was the first week I started working here and Andre happened to be in town for a few days. He carved time in his busy schedule for a quick chat to get to know me a little better and then enthusiastically clung to every word I had to say. We had such an easy conversation about many things, and he explained in depth just how important our work with the Indaba Education Fund is and how it’s already transforming lives in South Africa. His passion was infectious. I appreciate his sincerity and his warm welcome into the Cape Classics family – it’s not something you see with companies nowadays. To put it simply, Cape Classics is a just an all-around great place to be. I feel so supported by all of my colleagues and supervisors, and that I can grow both personally and professionally here. I also am thankful that I work for a company with a conscience. Our work in South Africa is going to re-structure an entire community for years to come and I’m proud to be a part of it. I feel very lucky to be a part of the Cape Classics team.”
– Heather Hayes, Operations Coordinator